Dilettantism in Art

Preface to the catalog "Dilettantism in Art". M., 1996
The structure of the catalogue I am suggesting to your attention is the following. It starts with some of my observations on the nature of dilettantism in art, as a person's love towards the occupation, he knows nothing about. Then, there follows a text by Viktor Misiano. I don't know the contest yet, but it is written especially for this edition. Then, there follow some fragments from his articles, having appeared in western magazines and catalogues, which can give some impression on what I have been doing in the field of contemporary art.
Till lately the lack of courage prevented me from devoting myself to more graceless work, to traditional art, i. e. to paint nature as it is, without any back thought. I have been thinking for a long time that it is the basic artist's activity. That's why I have collected my text, which have been published for the last 7 years. These texts will help the readers to follow the developments of this assumption.
If a person has a thought, which he thinks to be right, it has to be worked out thoroughly in respect to its inner logic. And practical results are coming themselves in spite of all possible consequences of their realization. Tolik Osmolovsky has already told me that I am looking for nuisances (What means, in his language: come on, do it).
So, what is dilettantism? It consists of misunderstanding of the nature of art, which is a confluence of sense and image. Am I not too complicated? OK, let's leave a philosophical part, and though theoretically the question Is quite clear to me, I will not hurry to entertain you with my discoveries. They should be wiped off like an additional line in an academic drawing. But what is left on the surface of the paper? Dilettantism of the worse kind, the impossibility to draw.
But I had a talent, each thing has a stamp of it, that is what a Gogol's hero exclaimed, looking through his early works. A lot of time is wasted, and nobody can guarantee that even the smallest result could be achieved. An old one is lost and there are no even traces of the new one. I am intrigued only by the Hegel's idea, that a phase of self-destruction is necessary in the cycle of dialectical development. Who can say what kind of exit it will have. The fortune might give me the possibility to improve my hand and come to the spectator without any shame
